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Michael Binder

Michael, Graduate School USA Instructor, is the Director of the Graduate School USA, Government Audit Training Institute. He’s served over forty-two years in federal audit staff, management and executive positions in GAO, the Inspector General community and as Acting Inspector General of the National Endowment for the Arts. As Assistant Inspector General, Deputy Chief of Staff, Senior Resource Official/CFO, and Supervisory Forensic Auditor, U.S. EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG), he directed the EPA OIG's internal risk assessment, audit follow-up, audit and investigative planning, budget development and execution, legislative analysis, program evaluation, policy review, performance measurement and financial reporting, human resources, audit peer review, procurement, quality assurance assessments, Hotline, and cost accounting program. He led EPA OIG's strategic planning and pioneered the application of logic models and SWOT Analysis for planning and performance measurement in the OIG, for EPA and the federal IG community. He created the President's Council for Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE) Environmental Consortium and chaired the PCIE Government Performance and Results Act Committee.

Michael has a BBA and MBA in Finance and Economics from George Washington University and attended Harvard University, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Federal Executive Institute. He is a Certified Internal Auditor, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a former national officer of the Association of Government Accountants.

Michael has been an adjunct professor of management, finance, white-collar crime and auditing since 1975. He is currently a faculty member of the Graduate School USA, the University of Maryland, and a Certified Seminar Leader with Fred Pryor. He has been a guest lecturer/instructor at Salisbury University, George Mason University, University of Michigan, Florida Atlantic University, the Federal Air Marshall Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Council of Inspectors General Training Academy. He is a principal contributor to the development of the University of Maryland's White Collar Crime Certification curriculum. Michael Binder is the Host of the WTOP/Federal News Network weekly radio program "The Search for Accountability." He also created The Montgomery Summer Tennis Camps, published several professional articles and course texts, is a professional orchestra leader including performing at the Kennedy Center and for Presidential Inaugural Balls, and is commissioner of several adult sports leagues.

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