APIPA 2024 Registration is Closed

Thank you for your interest in the 2024 APIPA Conference. Unfortunately, registration is now closed. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the APIPA 2024 Secretariat at [email protected].

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Alii & Welcome from Palau!

Thank you for visiting our website, and welcome from the Republic of Palau!  It is my great pleasure to welcome you to APIPA 2024, our 35th annual conference of APIPA, the Association of Pacific Islands Public Auditors, where our focus this year is on "Bridging the Gap of Public Accountability and Transparency." This theme emphasizes our commitment to improving accountability and transparency in public audit and finance, a goal that remains pivotal to the integrity and effectiveness of our governments across the Pacific.

I am pleased that the Republic of Palau will host the conference this year in Koror!  We are proud to offer a full week of live, in-person training in Palau, and we have programmed excellent training sessions to provide necessary continuing professional education credits to our communities and our audit and finance organizations.

APIPA 2024 in Palau will help you maintain needed training and expand approaches to build on your respective governments’ important audit and accountability efforts.

I look forward to seeing you in Palau at the conference, which will begin on Monday, August 26, 2024, and run through Friday, August 30, 2024. APIPA will offer training sessions in four tracks, allowing participants to earn up to 40 continuing professional education credits. We will start and end the week with Monday morning and Friday afternoon plenary sessions, which are of general interest to all participants.

Each day, you can choose from a range of topics, including auditing, grants management, governmental accounting, and investigations. These courses provide the opportunity to enhance your professional development, and I am confident you will find this year’s conference invaluable.

In addition to our course session, group luncheons, a welcoming reception, and a farewell event will provide you more chances to meet and collaborate with colleagues.

We appreciate the United States Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs and the Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) for their ongoing support of APIPA and our annual conferences. In addition, we thank Graduate School USA for their work securing outstanding instructors. Finally, we thank the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Inspector General for supporting the APIPA principals and offices.

Thank you for joining us!  All of us at the Republic of Palau Office of the Public Auditor look forward to welcoming you to Koror, Palau and to sharing this week of training and collaboration as we all work together to expand accountability in our island governments.

Welcome and mesulang!

Satrunino Tewid

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Public Auditor

Office of the Public Auditor

Republic of Palau

Conference Theme:

Bridging the Gap of Public Accountability and Transparency

Improving accountability and transparency in public audit and finance to ensure our governments' integrity and effectiveness across the Pacific.

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Join us for the APIPA 2024 Conference

The 35th Annual APIPA Conference will take place in the Republic of Palau from August 26 - August 30, 2024.

Contact the APIPA 2024 Secretariat