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Jeanne Yamamura

Dr. Yamamura (CPA, PhD) brings to APIPA more than thirty years of experience in industry and academia. She is licensed as a CPA in California and Nevada. She began as an auditor with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (now KPMG) in San Francisco, California, and moved on to work as an Audit Manager for Touche Ross & Co. in the Commonwealth of the N. Marianas. She provided internal audit services for county government and for an international financial services company. She has also worked in a variety of positions ranging from Assistant Controller to Vice President of Finance in the savings and loan industry.

Following the completion of her doctoral studies at WSU, Dr. Yamamura taught accounting information systems and auditing at the University of Nevada Reno (UNR). In 2005, she served as Chairman of the Nevada Society of CPAs, the first academic to hold the position in the organization's 58-year history. In recent years, she has been providing training to island governments throughout Micronesia and the Virgin Islands, teaching students in a sustainable MBA program, and developing content for online MBA programs.

She has written articles appearing in the Journal of Accountancy, the CPA Journal, and the Internal Auditor as well as numerous academic journals. Her research focuses on the management of professionals and includes examination of factors impacting ethical judgments as well as the impact of cultural differences.

Dr. Yamamura received a Master of International Management from Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Management in Glendale, Arizona, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration – Accounting from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington.

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